Sunday, 16 September 2012

Hybrid modes

Hybrids: (a mixture of two or more genres) can reach a much wider audience (e.g. Shaun of the Dead is a horror and a comedy so therefore it had the potential to reach the target audience of horror and the target audience of comedy).
Video Hybrids
Beep me 911
Missy Elliot’s lyrics in song Beep me 911 is heavily influenced in narration however as an artist she deters from following trend. Missy transforms her video, to something which could be directed as narrative based video with visionary alike Angie Stone – Wish I didn’t love you injected with a rap twist, into a performance/ conceptual hybrid. The appeal of Missy’s choice of mode being performance/ conceptual is that it subverts stereotypical female music videos whilst adhering to the typicality of its female voice being a back and forth questioning of the relationship between the male and female. This provides Missy’s target audience with entertainment whilst providing a sense of familiarity in topic (a topic that her target audience can relate to). The performance aspect of the video subverts the stereotypical music video that would include female backing dancers that represent females as a sex object that is used for the pleasure of men however as Missy Elliot is also one of the dancers in the video, the video develops an alternative image of women in videos, especially as the Mise-en- scene portrays women as sexual whilst also have a larger physic. Missy Elliot purposely chooses a wardrobe that makes her look even bigger than she is in reality, exaggerating self-appearance with pink puffer jackets and orange suits. The conceptual side of this video allows for appeal on another scale than more simple videos as it depicts Missy Elliot and her backing dancers/ singers to be dolls in a doll house. As they dance in restrictive movements as dolls would if able to dance, they are contained in doll boxes/ doll rooms that are held for the males visual pleasure and the idea of Missy Elliot being the perfect doll asking the question in one of her lyrics “Why you playing on me, wasn’t I good enough for you?” The overall complexity of the messages provided by the performance and conceptual modes of the video show an underlining picture of self-worth and image acceptance, this showing that a hybrid of modes can make a video more appealing.

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